hey hey hey, this is random fanfiction (probobly cringe) with ship nortonxnaib, if you looking for lemon, go away to horny jail *bOnK* plot.: Norton, new drummer with lost backstory came Into the popular group since he barely could survivale with cash he got from café and small house. he barely knows how he even got in this city... his memory is like black hole. he cant remember, and only nightmares appear with blank and blurry memories. He meet main singer, Naib. his backstory is hidden from other eyes, and grumpy, loner have to live with his band members who seem are like family to him. both of guys barely know each other, dont even know each other stories, but butterflies in stomatch keep flying around no matter how they would hate each other. (All artworks are not mine. If you know, please comment to add artist)
8 parts