Their first impression of the house was nothing short of amazement. The mansion, which was architecturally beautiful in its own right, set on a huge lot, overlooking a large garden with so many rose bushes. The four collectively thought they were going to genuinely enjoy their time there.
Their second impression proved them very, very wrong.
Themes of: Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Self harm (burning, cutting, hitting ones self), Heavy themes of depression and PTSD, Anxiety, Sexual Assault, Non Consensual Acts, Abuse in the form of Sexual abuse, Yelling, Hitting, Berating, Manipulation, Embarrassment. Teasing and name calling about ones gender/ purposely using incorrect pronouns out of malice, Mental illness,Sadism, Masochism, Sexual themes + be careful if you decide to read.
*Disclaimer 1: This is based off the anime, we haven't played the game yet sadly.
**Disclaimer 2: We don't own Diabolik Lovers in any way nor do we claim to own it. We just enjoy the anime/series.
***Disclaimer 3: Y'all this is some dark crap uhhhh be careful and tread lightly