My first BIONICLE Fanfic For those who don't know matoran are bio mechanical beings that live in the matoran universe. They can become toa who are larger and they can control an element. Each matoran has an element fixed to them so if they become toa they will control their fixed element. Each element has a prefix eg. Ta-matoran=matoran of fire , Ko-matoran = matoran of ice. Each element has a colour eg. Fire = red Water = blue but sometimes elements have more than one colour eg. Lightning = blue and white. A matoran's gender also depends on its element eg. Fire is male stone is male water is female psionics is female.A rahi is the matoran word used for animal. When masks are talked about it would be referring to the great kanohi masks they give a certain power to the wearer but only toa can access these special powers.Being a mask maker is a job in Ta-metru. The metrus are the elemental cities on the island of metru nui.All Rights Reserved