A short story, constructed of fictional events based around the time the events of World War II had come to and end, and action was being taken to clean up any messes left behind. Action and horror-esce story type story.
Deep in the depths of Berlin in the year of 1945, a small squadron of British soldiers are traversing the forested lands. The time of year is cold and snow blankets the lands, the lands turning white and misanthropic. Not properly prepared to deal with such a threat, a threat that they cannot eliminate, these soldiers follow a disused railroad. Little did they know that they'd find their place of interest, but it is inhabited by unnatural beings... ones that are to wreck havoc upon the rest of the world. It is a discovery that cannot be foreseen, and one that will not be easy to lock away again... but these soldiers will not be around long enough to tell that tale. They're destined to join those who rest in eternal sleep, in the dirt, and the snow.