𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘 || Unicorns, don't exist right? Wrong, they just are hidden away well, only known as fairytale creatures. The Winchester's don't even know of their existence, they are just hidden that well, but this isn't specially about all unicorns. This is about a maiden, Iveanna, who is a unicorn, her heart and soul pure and good. Well, she is also selfless, and that causes her to enter the cruel world that is earth and humans.
Some- thing comes close to finding her herd, and she got the sense something was wrong, all of them did and she eventually convinced her herd to let her do this. She convinced them to let her lead the beast away whatever it might be, but she goes to far and get's slammed into my a car. The impact threw her a few feet away, it wasn't fatal but it knocked her unconscious. The driver called 911 to inform them of a woman who came out of no where they hit by accident.
She's now in the hospital, entered into the system as a "Jane Doe" basically anonymous, because she had been unconscious when taken in. And now two FBI agents (can you guess who?) are investigating the case of a "woman who appeared from thin air." And learn, she had no phone on her or anything, so they couldn't contact anyone to inform them of what happened she knew. Now, they are in for a treat when she wakes up, she'll likely panic but who knows, we will have to see.
"Why the hell are you such an ass?'"
"Just leave me alone."
"Fuck that, you owe me an explanation."
"I don't owe you shit!
"Yeah you do, like why everything goes to hell when you show up?"
"I didn't just "Show Up", you hit me with your car."
"No, you ran in the middle of the street."
"I was running for my life."
"Yeah you keep telling us that, yet you don't tell us anything else about you."
"I don't like talking about my past."
"Well it can't be any worse than mine."
"I think it is."
"I doubt it, My mother died in a fire, my father died shortly after we found him, I raised my brother into a life of killing. What could be worse?"
"You take for granted the one thing I have always wanted, the one thing I never had."
"And what's that?"
This is the FIRST BOOK, in my series. I recommend reading it before the others.
I do not own supernatural or it's characters, I only own Brent and a few other characters I make up along the way.
The cover of my story was awesomely made by TeenWolfys, I highly recommend following her and reading her stories, she is amazing!!!!