Disclaimer: I do not own the characters mentioned in the story, I am only a fan of the show Kuroshitsuji and felt that this story was necessary for the character Alois Trancy. All rights go to the respected owner Yana Tobaso, along with FUNimation and Aniplex. I could never hope to own the story line of Kuroshitsuji, and never will. I, also, do not own some of the dialogue used in this story since some of the dialogue in the episodes Clawed Butler (episode 1), Divulging Butler (episode 8), and The Threads of the Spider's Story (one of the OVAs). I do not wish to overstep my boundaries when it comes to copyright and plagiarism, so if my use of that dialogue will be excused, that would be most appreciated. Thank you for reading my story and bearing through my painfully long disclaimer, I hope you enjoy the story and even if you don't like Alois, read the story for the sake of not getting disgustingly bored. Once again, thank you. And have a piece of cake since you made it this far into the description.All Rights Reserved