Though,we have all got pains from love,our dreams,life,emotional issues,depressions and many more..
It might be hard for us to let go of the pains caused by our flaws,how we've been hurt,our unsaid unexplainable expressions or feelings,our unfading tears and the unforgettable memories that tends to weak our hearts and we can't let go of it, our pasts are just meant to be sad shoes we have to condem because putting it on like it beautiful again never let us grow or move on with our lives
We have to stop loving in the past but smile to our bright future................
The smiles that hides our pains is heavy,Not known to everyone but to ourselves,it not shown to family,friends loved one's but remain a burden sad stick planted in our heart but for it not to grow,it the right time we have to do something,We all need healings for our happiness to be back right??? Yes we do!!!!
Every chapter here contains how i've been hurt,how i've been working on my happiness and how i changed to be a happy person and lessons have learnt from my life and how i moved on ...........
Copywright on december 2020 by ayomikun aloje.
All right reserved ,This book or any portion therepf may not be reproduced or used in any manner or whatsoever without the expressed written permission of the author.
Enjoy reading!
Bienvenidos todos a estas pequeñas historias, empezando de nuevo :D
Si quieres realizar algun pedido, pasa por mi perfil a ver el tercer libro <3
Así que puedes disfrutar mientras tanto las historias que tengo ahora, puedes leer las aclaraciones o las etiquetas para saber que anime o de que escribo.
Gracias <3!
Créditos a quien corresponda por todos los personajes utilizados, a excepción de _______.