Yukiko, Leo, Momoko, and Ren are friends and seemingly average students at Yin-Yang Academy, which is a school that acts as a refuge for all sorts of people and creatures that don't belong to the Mortal World while teaching them about it. Suddenly, a mysterious new student, named Takashi, transfers to the academy. Countless questions surround him, and his friendliness seems to be far from real. Yukiko sees through his facade right away, and she's the only person in school giving him a hard time. However, Yukiko also has her own fair share of secrets - ones that could potentially ruin her current life. And Takashi just may know what those secrets are! In order to keep him quiet, she'll have to do what he says, which entails assisting him on classified missions for an underground organization. Although helping him soon becomes more than she bargained for. As darkness and chaos begins to boil beneath the surface, she gradually finds they're not the only ones with secrets and she might not be able to trust anyone anymore... Once all the mysteries, secrets, and strange events unravel, what will become of this once close group of friends?
In a world where power dictates fate, Airi Mizuki has become a formidable rogue sorcerer, posing a significant threat to the Jujutsu society. When Satoru Gojo is assigned to bring her in, their encounters ignite a fierce and dangerous game. As Airi and Gojo clash, hidden truths and unexpected connections come to light, leading them into a complex dance of passion, power, and betrayal. In a realm where enemies are clear, can the heart find its true path amidst the chaos?