Every adult would think of High School as the most mature level before going to college and choosing what to do with your life.But everyone who is not blinded by how their children is acting infront of them knows High school is Hell. Almost every teen act like nothing is bothering them.When inside they keep secrets to last them enternity Werlcome to MysticFall High..Where life gets a bit of Exiting yet its High School for Gummies Sakes.This High would bring to a story of a girl know as Luna Elle Woods..And is considered as the towns Failure.. Their only mistake is they dont know who she is.They were to busy hooking up in janitor closets,skipping classes to get high,partying till they see that sunrise Who knew this girl they once bullied,harassed,embarace Would be their KARMA COMING SOON... Copyright 2014 Allrights Reserved RebelliouAngelsAll Rights Reserved