I had this idea for quite a while, so... it's time to put that into a story
So I found out quite a while ago that Igor and Gwen can do accents, and while Gwen can do accents for very long, Igor can not, but..... his friends do not believe that
It was April Fools day and everyone was pranking people, and Random Encounters made a musical for that day(Nightcove song reference). Anyway, Charlie has decide to prank Lewis, so Lewis thinks that Pirates of the Caribbean was a real movie and that pirates are coming. So, Charlie told his friends to play along and someone to be a pirate until April Fools day is over and guess who Charlie had to do a pirate accent. Igor, honestly, did not want to play along, he did not want to get involved in his friends pranks, but Will and the others agreed with Charlie, even though Lewis is Will's friend.