Aahana A normal girl turned into a samragyi A daughter turned into a wife A wife turned into a mother From being brother less, she turned into a sister to four brothers. Unaware of her reality, she walked into an unfamiliar life only to emerge like a phoenix from ashes. But what is the purpose of her life? Why only she time traveled? And if she did, why did she? What's the purpose? Was it to avoid the war? Was it to save someone? Was it to fulfil some promises? Or was it something else? Why did she go through so much of trauma? For herself or for others? No one knows. A tale of broken promises, life, death and sacrifices. The traumatic tale of history where the path had jasmines that hid the most pointed of thorns. The tale continued for a million years The tale of love and devotion The Delightful Trauma Note: To understand this book, you need to read the Delightful Trauma I (Awakened) Otherwise this book is of no use