We don't know who Society is. We don't know if it is a "he" or a "she," an "I" or a "we." Society could be an "it." All we know is that Society is not an "us."
It's the year 2076, many years after the Digital Fall and Chaos Decade. The Nation, what was once Canada and the United States of America, has risen from the rubble and created a new world, a world ruled by Society. They dictate what's hip, what's the latest trend, and the newest tech.
Society also controls your family, your school, your life. Society chooses what's best for you and your future, making things much easier than before, where people could do whatever they wanted and upset the delicate balance of the society before this one. It's a perfect system meant for perfect people.
But not everyone wants perfection.
What Society says, goes. And if you decide otherwise you are a Rebel, an anomaly that must be dealt with. The only thing you can do is run and hide with others like you.
But what if you've never rebelled in your life? Why then are you branded to be a Rebel?
Society makes no mistakes.