I am precious jewelery readers who wonder and read the announcement of the book. I could write a surreal fiction for you, but instead of a fiction that is in dreams and detached from reality, I rushed to these lines where you can find a piece of yourself to touch the power like a friend on the facts. I said wing ... Yes, it is a story of innocent mothers, children and innocent people like angels ... Actually, I can say that it is a book that I have written not from the story but from the facts, which I have written from the facts, sometimes with anger and sometimes with tears. Of course, my goal is not to upset you either ... In fact, you can find a piece of yourself or your environment from this story. While writing the story of the innocent who wrote their names with their broken bleeding wings, would you say an appeal to prevent their wings from breaking again? Or is it advice? Whatever you say, but I will now call it "the power of unbreakable wings" ...
adam 9 yıl sonra bir kızı olduğunu öğrenip mardinden istanbula yola çıkmıştı.
9 yıl önce boşandığı karısının evinin önüne gelince açık kahve saçları dağılmış ağlamaktan kızarsn yanakları olan küçük bir kız gördü.
kız kafasını kaldırıp baktığında adam olduğu yerde sendeledi bu oydu minik kızı...
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