Felix spent years calling him the Boar to avoid acknowledging that it was the same person underneath; that despite the rage and the pain and the terror he inflicted, he wasn't lost underneath or hiding behind a mask or anything of the sort. He was both the prince and the beast, both sides of the same coin.
Felix knows this, now. He's still struggling to accept it.
"We all have our demons," Felix murmured sagely as he glanced down at Jack's still body.
"And sometimes they win."
"I won't let them." Mark protested fiercely, his eyes burning with determination.
"Who says any of us let them?" Felix countered, his expression unreadable as he looked at Mark.
Mark didn't answer as he flopped onto his bed, wishing he could close his eyes and escape the nightmare he was trapped in.
But this wasn't a nightmare.
This was real life, and he would have to learn how to deal with the inner demons.