In the olden days there used to be different types of 'humans' living in this world.
There's the ones that have the power to shift to other forms and have wings.
And the ones that are normal.
The humans that are normal found out that the other species's wings can be turn into some valuable items or medicines.
They hunted them down but until the day when there's just one left,the hybrid suddenly dissappears....till today no one knows where did that hybrid went.
-Philza,34 {Black wings with purple diamond on both wings ,has the power to make an area unseen from normal people to prevent others from coming in}
-Techno,21 {Black fade White wings, strength,half piglin} (twin)
-Wilbur,21 {Brown fade White wings, high tone voice,half piglin} (twin)
-Tommy,16 {Black fade red wings, able to control fire in any ways, half demon}
-Tubbo,17 {Green fade White wings,able to control wind in any matter, half ram}
-Niki,24 {White wings,healing}
This is my au and I hope you guys enjoy it?
I'm still am a starter at writing so....yeaaaaaaa
All chapter's art are NOT by me.
But the book's cover is by me :D