46 części Opowieść Zakończona This is a sequel, so read "Dating a YouTuber?!" first.
I wholeheartedly loved and trusted Nate despite having known him less than a year. I had a million reasons why I shouldn't move in with him but I decided to ignore them and trust my gut feeling rather than my head. I knew people would say it was too soon and that I'd be giving up even more privacy living with a YouTuber who daily vlogged. Slowly but surely I was being wrapped in various YouTube activities and it had become a significant part of my life. I would be busier than ever when I went back to university and continued to run my now high-profile blog. It would be a challenge to juggle the pressure from the online world while attending my responsibilities, finding time for my passions and maintaining all my personal relationships. I didn't mind though. All the pieces seemed to fall into place and I was so bloody excited to see what the future would bring.
If you're confused, please read "Dating a YouTuber?!" first (check my profile). Blogger and photographer Abigail has agreed to move in with Nate, a.k.a. SillyNate on YouTube, and they are keeping it a secret from his YouTube audience for now. While the main characters (who are ALL fictional) still are the focus, this book will also have many cameos from real life YouTubers and draw on real events.