26 parts Ongoing In a world where advanced technology and family legacies intertwine, siblings Zyrie and Hazel find themselves at the center of a deepening mystery. Orphaned at a young age, they've grown inseparable, with Zyrie running their late mother's high-tech café and Hazel inheriting their father's powerful tech company. Life takes a dark turn when Hazel receives a heavily encrypted pen drive from their father, filled with secrets she's unable to unlock.
As Hazel dives deeper into her work, she begins to experience strange symptoms-headaches, fevers, and eerie visions that include cracks forming on her skin and her eye changing color. Despite her efforts to brush them off, these symptoms worsen, leaving Zyrie increasingly worried. The situation escalates when Hazel collapses during a crucial call with their uncle Andy, revealing that the mysterious data on the pen drive is affecting her in ways they never anticipated.
As cracks spread across Hazel's body, Zyrie and their AI assistant Xavier race against time to save her. But with the true nature of the pen drive still unknown, and Hazel's condition rapidly deteriorating, questions remain: What secrets does the pen drive hold? How are they linked to Hazel's worsening health? Who did this to her? And most importantly, can Zyrie uncover the truth before it's too late?