53 parts Ongoing Set against the backdrop of the mid-1960s in the quiet town of Santa Maria, California, "Summer of First Love" follows the journey of Roseann Hathaway, a spirited and curious high school girl with a deep love for music. Her life takes a turn when Braeden Langley, a mysterious and talented guitarist, moves into town from Winslow, Arizona.
Drawn to his quiet charm and the way he seems to effortlessly connect with the melodies that Roseann herself holds dear, she finds herself falling for him despite the initial reservations of her best friend, Renee. As Roseann navigates the thrilling yet uncertain waters of first love, she discovers that Braeden's past holds secrets that might challenge their budding romance.
Together, they explore their shared passion for music, while Roseann's shy sister, Luana, becomes an unexpected bridge between them. Amidst the challenges of high school life, the pressures of fitting in, and the timeless struggle between following the heart and listening to the world, Roseann learns what it means to truly love someone for who they are, even when the road ahead is uncertain.
"Summer of First Love" is a nostalgic tale of young love, self-discovery, and the powerful connection between two souls brought together by fate and the universal language of music.