12 parts Ongoing MatureIn a world where passion collides with obsession, Jacob, a devoted werewolf, finds solace in the arms of Edward, his strong and charismatic fiancé. Their love blossoms amidst the challenges of life, but their happiness is shattered when Bella, Jacob's former maid, becomes consumed by her feelings for Edward.
After being dismissed from her position, Bella's desperation turns into a dangerous obsession, and she will stop at nothing to tear the couple apart. As Edward navigates the complexities of trust and vulnerability, Jacob must protect his love from Bella's relentless pursuit.
Join Edward and Jacob on a tumultuous journey through love, betrayal, and resilience, leading to a triumphant wedding that proves their bond can withstand even the darkest intentions. Will their love be strong enough to conquer Bella's twisted schemes, or will they be torn apart by jealousy and desire?