Aria is a girl like you, like me, like us. She is a pretty girl with beautiful long blonde hair and green eyes.
She wasn't that popular by the boys, but she didn't care. She is happy with or without a boy.
Suddenly she meets a new boy in her class, for the first time in her life she knows how it feels like to be in love with someone.
She just can't stop thinking about him, or looking at him.
She hears from her best friend that she heard from someone that a boy likes Aria, but she didn't know what boy.
On valentines day she gets a letter:
The first time I saw your beautiful green eyes, I knew I was in love with you.
You're the first girl who I'm in love with, I just can't stop thinking about you.
Sometimes I think that this isn't real, like this is a dream. But I know that this is reality and I know that I'm in love with you. I wish that the part that we are together, in my dreams, could also be real.
I love you.