LOL WHAT THE FUCK THIS WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE CRACK BUT IG NOW IT IS HI THIS IS FOR MY BROKELYN 9IS OUT THERE!!! I LOVE U GUYS!! ESPECIALLY U BEEF, BEST 2020 FORM CAPTAIN EVER!!!!!! WEUH GG Y'ALL ~~I should actually make a non-crack version. Mhmmmmm, wattpad, good practice... I want to get published one day :c~~ Also shoutout to my maaaaaan, SHASHA FOR BEING THE BEST EDITOR EVER, yes, you are now the editor, you are now going to get sent every chapter, yes, I know I didn't ask you, and no, you can't get out of this. List of characters: file:///Users/sophiaquach/Downloads/NAmes%20(1).pdf