Nora Hanada, a young Kitsune girl, grew up on Earth, with her single mother and eight other Demi-human sibling, all of which now work for the Alterra Corporation. When Alterra gave Nora, now in her early twenties and a graduated mechanical Engineer and trying for a medical degree, the opportunity to go to space to work on the Slip Gate, she couldn't pass up the chance.
While the ship Nora and her younger brother, Ethan, a grad-student trying to become an engineer like his sister, was trying to perform a slingshot maneuver around a planet without a name, was hit by a mysterious energy beam, they crashed on the watery world.
Nora and her brother climbed into Escape Pod 20 and landed in the water planet. Nora was unconcious for about five hours, and by the time she awoke, her brother was gone. Now Nora is alone, on a watery planet, with no knowledge of anything here, and a fear of the ocean to rival anyone elses.
Those who were taken...
They never came back, dragged beneath the waves never to return.
Their haunting screams were a symbol of their horrific deaths.
Like shadows they lay in wait, the deep blue waters hiding them from view.
With sharp claws they attack,
Pointed fangs tearing into skin,
Eager mouths devouring human flesh.
Cally was taken, dragged under the water by one of the vicious creatures. But she was not devoured nor torn apart by ruthless claws--no.
She was a captive.
Water instantly invades her senses. Her eyes sting, her lungs and nose burning. She thrashes, kicks, claws--anything to get away. Her efforts go to waste as her body slowly starts to shut down, the air in her lungs quickly being replaced by sea water.
Cally is vaguely aware of arms wrapping around her waist and behind her head before she loses consciousness, submerged in darkness.
And so she is taken.
Another victim of the mysterious sea.
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