Josh Richards, a single father, with a daughter named Cassandra Kennedy Richards or better known as "Cassie" Richards. Cassie is a three-year-old girl with anything she could ever want besides a mother. Growing up with an unusual family, Cassie was always in a loving environment. She gets babysit by her father's best friends and roommates, who she sees as her uncles or their girlfriends, who she sees as her Aunts. Josh would get the girl anything in the world she wanted but the thing she wanted the most he couldn't seem to get. She would always ask about her mother to Josh, the boys, or the girls, but no one ever said anything. Too afraid of hurting her with the truth that her mother didn't want her. So they avoid the topic every time she mentions it. Except it's a lot harder to avoid the subject than you think when she is three. Josh tried to date, so his daughter's dreams would come true, but no one wanted to date a single parent until he met her. They move to BrindleVille for a fresh start no longer wanting to live in Sanfrisk because he was the talk of the town. Everyone always talked about the irresponsible teens who live together trying to raise a baby. Josh no longer wanted to live by that reputation or have his daughter raised in that environment causing the move to the small town of BrindleVille. Nessa Barrett is a waitress at Johnny's Diner and a resident of BrindleVille. The entire town would describe her as a Sweetheart. She might work a low-income job, but if you needed the money. She would find a way to get it to you. In her free time, she volunteers at the library for a free read-aloud for children. She might seem like the perfect girl on the outside, but she deals with depression from her childhood. The tragedy resulting in her working with kids knowing that parents sometimes do not know about what their child is facing. What will happen when Nessa and Josh meet?