Shanks Shikage young man who is a Juubi no kumo/Spider Demon (koo-moh). Not one of the nine Juubis but a Juubi none the less. Becuse of this Shanks was almost killed by his team on a misson, but escape with just a few minor wounds. Thanks to Juubi no Kumo whose name is Moko-no-boko (4 short Monobo). He's been on his own for two years running, hiding, and Killing own to stay a life. Moko-no-boko was a two hundred years old untill he was attack by a fellow Juubi/Demon for territory/land. Barely escaping with his life came upon a small boy who had been hurt making a deal with him they bind with eachother. The boys name is Shanks now live togetter forever. Lets find out wat happens to them. And lets see if Shanks can find someone to love and protect him.