Niall ran out of my flat and down the steps faster than Louis can say carrots. I tried to run after him to stop him but I was in too much pain. My ex had just beaten me and ran so Niall was trying to find him. I couldn't call out either, my throat was dry and my teeth were chattering from the rain and winter air. I didn't want Niall to get hurt, Brad has been harassing me for a few days now but I hadn't told Niall because I thought it would stop. Obviously I was wrong because the next thing I knew he was at my door angry and drunk. He threw a bottle against the wall then tried to stab me with one of the pieces. Niall came to visit about a minute after Brad ran but he had a lift so they drove off in the direction Niall was running. Again, I couldn't call out but tried. My voice wasn't audible over the rain but I kept trying to scream. I heard a horrible sound then I collapsed on my steps. My vision blurred as I tried to see. I heard slow footsteps then a yell. It was Niall, he sounded like he was in pain. I tried to move but my body was numb. I heard another yell then a womanly scream. Louis and Harry came into my eye sight and picked me up. I saw two more figures emerging with a body in their arms. The blonde hair appeared and my eyes started to water. A single tear left my eye as I saw his body not moving and his normal blue eyes closed. I was taken into my flat and laid on the couch. My head was on someone's' lap and heard muffled speaking. Nothing made sense, what was happening and was my bestfriend okay. My vision went fuzzy again and the last thing I saw before blacking out was a knife in Niall's side and hands covering the wound. Brad stabbed Niall, he actually did it. He hurt someone I cared about just because I left him... What have I done to my friends?
A love story between a girl and her bestfriend, will his bandmates get in the way? Will ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends try and ruin their perfect life? You'll have to find out...