Nakito Shibata, a 12 year old boy who aspires to be the next 'Sword Master' in Tsuki Village. Along with him is his supporting sister, Azumi, she will be by his side at all times. Nakito's goals to be the next 'Sword Master' will be complete once he visits 5 villages with one coliseum in each one that represents one element of nature and win a sword fight against the villages sword master and win an element medal from each village. The first village, Kusa Village, represents the earth element. The second village, Mizu Village, represents the water element. The third village, Takibi Village, represents the fire element. The fourth village, Kuki Village, represents the air element. And the fifth and final village, Eteru Village represents the aether element. Once Nakito manages to get all 5 element medals, he will make his way back to Tsuki Village and have a tournament with other people aspiring to be the next 'Sword Master'. If he wins the tournament, he is the official Tsuki Village 'Sword Master'! Will Nakito make it to the end? Or will he give up and forget about his dream?