Keen hearing is a curse, the vibrations off the music overwhelming him. The sound was seeping into his brain yet he was keeping his calm. Only showing the comfort he was feeling, which was gone.
The prince is gone.
Keen hearing is a blessing. He heard his cry's from the balcony, swiftly walking outside. The safety from the music, the fear for his *friend*.
The pale boy stood on the railing above the water.
"I'm sorry"
He said before letting the wind take him away.
The other boy jumped over aswell, sprouting wings and flying down to grab the prince, his plan failed him. He didn't have time to get out of reach of the waves. He grabbed the prince and wrapped his wings around the small body and braced himself and the other. Knowing how much it would hurt hitting the water, the brown haired boy knew too.
That's a third person quote that is going to be added in first person to this story, it is a dnf about dream being a harpy and George being a siren. Since this is not Minecraft jumping from the height these two did would feel like hitting a blacktop from the same height.
Minecraft is a bad physics class guys.