Hikari Khonsu is a Samurai Warrior after his father, Bounty Hunter, and unexpectedly a protector for Hololive JP. A long time ago, Hikari Khonsu was in school with Ookami Mio but a little bit after their graduation Khonsu's house exploded and was assumed dead, hearing this Mio was devastated and was saddened that she will never see Khonsu again...until now. Is it the real Khonsu? Is he the same? Mio will find out throughout her life with him again.
All character do not belong to me except for Hikari Khonsu (OC).
Characters are from Hololive.
If I do add any pictures, video, and etc. they are not mine unless I say so.
(First Story)
A million dollar bounty, underground assassins, torture-it's all in a days work for assassin Jessie Wright.
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Molded into an assassin by the one who killed her parents, Jessie defies orders and goes rogue. Now with a bounty on her head, her only chance of survival may be with a man who's reputation is worse than her own.
Violence, Assault, Swearing.