"i know we only just met so why do I feel invested, do you feel it too?" Awsten Knight promised himself he wouldn't crush on girls easily, especially after he went through the worst breakup in the world. But all it took for Awsten to break his own promise and fall for Elizabeth Berg was one glance of her at Target, a few text messages and one session at a yoga studio. A yoga studio she owns. Now Awsten can't get her out of his mind. She's a color he hasn't experienced before; she's cream. White. He's been infatuated with her from the beginning, yet has major trust issues from previous heartbreak and doesn't wanna fall too quickly. 31 year old Elizabeth Berg had her own heart broken and is recovering from the betrayal that her best friend of 16 years gave her. The betrayal of a lifelong best friend breaks more than her cheating boyfriend. Awsten and Elizabeth form an immediate friendship; after all, they're two singers who suffered very similar fates.All Rights Reserved