Spider-Man: Lost and Found (18+)
58 Partes Continúa Contenido adulto(Spider-Man X Raven part 3)
After being missing, Peter Parker returns to the DC universe to discover two years have passed and his friends, the Teen Titans have gone their separate ways.
Now it's up to Peter to reunite with his friends and lead the new Titans against the forces of evil. Together, they face off against villains from their own worlds, as well as threats from Peter's.
With Raven by his side again, the two lead the Titans against new threats. Until two surprise visitors from the future arrive to help turn the tides of the coming battles. The only question is, will the identity of one of them turn the tide of Peter and Raven's relationship?
(WARNING: This story will contain smut, violence, strong language, as well as spoilers for the MCU and the spider verse.)