(Warning: If you read this story, you are being invited to participate in making it. Leave comments and feedbacks pls ^_^) This is an experimental project of mine. Sort of like an interactive story involving opinions from my readers, feeling my way up to seeing where your takes will take this story. I'm not promising that this will be easy for all of us and I will really need honest to goodness feedbacks so...you have to keep them coming. Also, you have to be patient when the story will be updated because I will consider all opinions, the holes on the plot that my readers will notice and the corrections you will point out to me. Think of this as me writing your ideas and trying to put my own twists and my readers' twists to the story. This is not just my project or work. This is OURS. And so...with all that, LETS DO THIS, SHALL WE? ^_^All Rights Reserved