【The Promised Neverland】 「49122」Ray x Reader
49 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "Mama," Isabella.
Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage a rule they are expected to follow no matter what.
However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family... never to be heard from again.
However, the four oldest siblings have their suspicions about what is actually happening at the orphanage, and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children living at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their beloved Mama.
You were an 11 year old and the twin of non other than Norman.
The two of you were really identical,the same platinum blonde hair color and the same ocean blue eyes.
The only way they could tell the both of you apart was the fact you two have different genders.
Just like Norman,you were also smart but not a genius like him.The two of you were best friend's with Emma and Ray.
But you and Ray were much closer too each other,it was pretty much obvious, to all the kids.
It was a peaceful and happy life living in the Grace Field House with all of your brother's and sister's and best friends.
Well that perspective change when the night Conny was shipped out,You ,Norman and Emma had went out to the forbidden gate to bring Conny's stuff bunny when you all found out the gruesome truth on why all of you were there in Grace Field House in the first place.