Skele-lions, half skeleton half lions. No one knows how they came to be, no one cared, or noticed. The ones that did notice began to take advantage of these rare beasts, having no idea that they were actual monsters that can feel and live. Those that did know didn't care, they just enjoyed their suffering, even creating canned hunting farms to overbreed them and such just to get a rare breed. Some rare breeds would be sold off alive or dead (in pieces or complete) on the black market. And some would be saved and sold to a zoo for safekeeping.
Nightmare and his cubs have to go through tough situations being rare breeds, but feisty ones at that. On the other side the one that captured the goopy skele-lion, a.k.a the boss, anxiously waited to sell the cubs and him for some dirty money but every attempt ended in failure. Every time the boss sent someone to give the skeletons food, they died. But one day someone came back alive, therefore becoming a crucial key for the boss.
But sooner or later something bad happened, the boss used that key to open an opportunity, making a turn for the worse.
What do you think?
Will Nightmare and his cubs escape this torture
Will they break with that final strike?
Who is the boss or that crucial key?
When will Dream come to the rescue?
Will he notice something is off about these skele-lions or where they come from?
Is he bad?
Will Error help?
Oh so many questions, but I ain't answering any of them, you just have to read to find out.
This is one of my AUs, you can use and change the concept or characters however you like, also please don't steal my art or AU, in all just give credit.
I did not make the original characters only these characters.
Warnings ⚠️:
There's death
Slight- Errormare at the start, Errorink near the end, and Errornight at some point
Cute little beans
Sub Nightmare
Illegally captivity