Estria. A city where Soulmates are a popular thing.
But here, Soulmates don't have a bond through tattoos, heartbeats or songs. No, this city is different.
In Estria, you'll find your Soulmate once your necklaces connect. It sounds crazy, and yeah, it is.
The necklaces only connect, once the lips of two people touch. How long it'll take for someone to find them is up to themselves. There isn't any consideration about your soulmates gender either. So, it's not unusual that people walk around the streets and see people kissing each other, desperately searching for their other half. But is the necklaces the only way of finding your Soulmate? Well, that question hasn't really been considered. But there's indeed one person, who didn't even make any effort to search for their partner. And that you. I wonder if that'll stay the same, once you meet that weird stranger, who's even sitting next to your desk. Who would've thought that from that day on you and your friends would go on an adventure to learn the truth about Estria and its locks.
Remember, it's all up to you...
النوع: شونين اي ، مأنها ، كوميديا ، دراما ، الحياه المدرسيه
العمل: مستمر
"يوما يحكى قصه مرحه عن الحياة المدرسيه اليوميه لمجموعه من المراهقين"
كانت الصورة الجماعية في روضة الأطفال بمثابة نقطة البداية التقى (زان زينغشي) و(جيان يي) لصداقة مدى الحياة بين نشأ معا، بأصدقاء جيدين مثل (هي تيان) و(مو جوانشان) في الحرم الجامعي.
19 يوما" ليست فقط الحياة اليومية المريحة والسعيدة للأشخاص الأربعة في الحرم الجامعي، ولكنها أيضا قصة شبابية يفهم فيها الأولاد بعضهم البعض ويساعدونهم على النمو
لا احلل نشر ترجمتي دون معرفتي