After Caspian is crowned King of Narnia, his new duties leave little time for Althea as he must travel and even battle other countries to unite Narnia again. The Lone Islands are the only obstacle left, the last known location of the Seven Lords of Telmar, who haven't been heard from in nearly two decades. Caspian and Althea set out to find the source of a mysterious green mist, and destroy it, all while making up for lost time.
Sequel to my other book, so check that out before reading :)
Just a warning, this book contains some violence.
NOTICE: All credit goes to C.S. Lewis for the creation of the Narnia books.
You didn't think it was over, did you? This is a sequel to my previous Narnia story The Choice, if you haven't read it already, what are you waiting for?! Again, I will not fully follow the plot, I will give my own twist to it.
The love story continues.......