27 Bölüm Devam ediyor YetişkinIn the mystical world of Gladium, three friends are summoned by the Goddess Destinia to embark on a perilous journey. Sylveria, the Ice Hero with a cold and calculating mind; Isao, the Flower Maiden with a playful, gentle, and deadly demeanor; and Isla, the aloof Sword Saint, are tasked with defeating a fallen Hero who has succumbed to darkness after enduring countless tragedies.
However, there's a catch. Reincarnated without their original powers, the trio finds themselves nerfed by the goddess due to unusual circumstances, though their memories remain intact. As they navigate this unfamiliar world, they must rely on their wits, memories, and the strength of their bond to overcome challenges and restore light to Gladium.
Will Sylveria's strategic mind, Isao's deceptive gentleness, and Isla's serene detachment be enough to confront the looming darkness and save Gladium? Their epic tale of friendship, courage, and redemption unfolds as they strive to reclaim their lost powers and fulfill their destiny.