5SOS FANFIC - Luke is a Penguin! :)
And always remember...
'You were born an original. Don't die a copy.' John Mason
5SOS FANFIC - Prologue.........
Jasmine just wants to be herself. She wants to express her own thoughts, dress however she wants, and basically be whoever she wants. But how is that possible when everyone around her is obsessed with everything she isn't, and judges each other on how they look and dress? Jasmine was judged and bullied when she went to school every day as herself. Now, so she won't be bullied or judged anymore, she walks to school every day as a whole new person. Literally. She pulls on her waist length blonde hair wig and her black Nikes (even though she would totally rather be wearing her trusty old pastel pink Birkenstocks). Even her smile is fake and forced. She never lets her cover down. It's easier this way. She has a proper friendship group now, not just Melanie, her only friend before she changed. Before she became someone she's not.
Life's hard enough with upcoming exams, the school formal and English papers, without the new popular boy getting in the way. Jasmine can't stand him. Her new friends, Jules and Liz, adore him however, and are always trying to get his attention. It's gross. Jasmine honestly cannot see what they see in him. He's popular, full of himself, plays the guitar and has a lip piercing. His name is Luke.
Imagine this, a girl wearing a midnight blue dress holding her three inch heals and a black leather jacket and sitting down on a hospital's floor crying her eyes out and hugging her knees tight to her chest.
You would automatically think that she came from a dance and her boyfriend is in the E.R. Right?
Actually your wrong. If that was what your thinking.
Directions for the book:
Mix the typical teenage girl and the typical bad boy with a dash of a few alterations and modifications, and lastly sprinkle a pinch of cliche moments gone wrong.
You're bound to have a good book to read.
(I hope.)
This is a fanfiction of Luke Hemmings but it doesn't include his music career. He's just a regular guy in the story.