15 parts Ongoing In a gripping tale set in the same post-apocalyptic world as "The Walking Dead," we follow the story of Rick Grimes' sister, Heaven Grimes, who is married to Shane Walsh. As the zombie outbreak begins, Heaven finds herself torn between her loyalty to her brother and her love for her husband.
Heaven, a strong and resourceful woman, has always been close to her brother Rick. When the world falls apart, she and Shane struggle to keep their group safe while dealing with the growing tension between Shane and Rick. Shane's increasingly reckless behavior puts everyone at risk, and Heaven is caught in the middle, trying to mediate between the two men she loves most.
As the group faces countless dangers from both the undead and other survivors, Heaven's leadership and compassion become crucial. She works tirelessly to maintain a sense of hope and humanity within the group, even as Shane's actions threaten to tear them apart. Heaven's journey is one of resilience and sacrifice, as she navigates the complexities of love, loyalty, and survival in a world where every decision can mean life or death.