Not sure if I'm going to make a collection. I mean let me know in the comments if I should. *~* So this turned into a collection. Requests are welcome Current Ships include: BlaisexHarry (Blarry) - 3 BlaisexHermione (Blamione) - 3 DracoxOC - 1 DracoxHermione (Dramione) - 3 DracoxHarry (Top Draco - Drarry) - 4 FredxHermione (Fremione) - 2 HarryxOC - 1 HarryxDraco (Top Harry - Harco) - 3 Tom RiddlexOC - 1 Tom RiddlexDracoxHarry (Bottom Harry - Tomdrarry) - 1 Tom RiddlexRon - 1 Other Story - 7 *~* Symbol Guide: 🔥 Means it is Spicy/Smutt No flame means there's no SmuttAll Rights Reserved