23 Bagian Lengkap DewasaBriar Madison
If someone asked you to point out the sweetest person you knew, anyone would point in the direction of Briar, but what people don't know is how hard things are for her. Especially because of the gorgeous jock who lives next to her. 4 years they have lived side by side throughout the beginning of high school and her crush on him has yet to fade. It's their last year, anything can happen, right?
Luke Verlice
He is a football jock, amazing at what he does and trying to get a scholarship now that he's in his senior year. But one thing never leaves his mind, and it's that sweet girl he's lived next to all these years. 4 years and he has done nothing but watch from afar, too afraid to go up to her. Maybe this time will change.
What will time do to this couple? Will they finally take charge on their feelings?