Victoria Stark, daughter of the world renowned Avenger, Tony Stark. Victoria Maria "Vic" Stark is a child prodigy, a member of the Avengers, and an inhuman after a kidnapping gone wrong. A eccentric but intelligent Med-Student, Vic is self-described as a sarcastic, genius, child prodigy, dog loving, and hottest Avenger. Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark is a billionaire industrialist, a founding member of the Avengers, and the CEO of Stark Industries. A brash but brilliant inventor, Stark is self-described as a genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. .... Victoria goes on a mission with the team when she stumbles upon a enhance, who looks to destroy her father. But Victoria couldn't help but fall for the silver haired Sokovian. "She really didn't see it coming." .... Marvel Universe. ... Pietro Maximoff Love Story.