"My love I'm your mate and you will submit to me because I am your superior, I. AM.YOUR. KING" Silver exclaimed. "Well your majesty." I emphasized " not everyone is going to obey you and most definitely not me so I suggest you stop trying cause I will never ever ever bow to anybody. My dad didn't bring up a girl thats dependent on anybody and my mum, my mum didn't bring up a girl that bows to anybody. I am my own person I do not submit to anyone but myself. So my king stop running your mouth like a tap and try and put in consideration other people's feelings and emotions and just maybe learn to respect people, don't let the power get to your head because that will be your biggest downfall one day. Unlike you I don't crave power and I don't keep people prisoner so I can became stronger. You and me might be mates but we are two different people. You're selfish, me on the other hand am not." I finished with a smirk and walked away. When I looked back at him he looked shocked but regained his composure. He stood up tall and cleared his throat, he looked at me,smirked and mouthed the words "game one Reign." Ugh!! What is his problem? Is everything a challenge to him ? His so damn frustrating.All Rights Reserved