20 parts Ongoing MatureIn an ancient world where gods and mortals coexisted, four divine beings ruled the realms of men. The North Domain, a vast expanse of ice and glaciers, was governed by the goddess Kion, whose touch could freeze even the fiercest storm. To the West lay the Domain of Plutus, where the earth was rich with metals and minerals, a kingdom of unending wealth and prosperity. The South was a lush and untamed wilderness, filled with towering forests and rugged mountains, under the watchful eye of the god Aranyani. Finally, the East Domain, a sun-kissed and unwavering field of sand, was ruled by the serene and powerful goddess Psamathe.
Each god and goddess entrusted their domain to a mortal ruler, chosen for their wisdom, strength, and leadership. To aid these rulers in maintaining balance and harmony within their realms, the gods bestowed upon them a Fabrik-a demigod duplicate that embodied the essence and power of the deity they represented. These Fabriks, living reflections of the gods, acted as guides, protectors, and enforcers of divine will, ensuring that the realms of men thrived under the watchful gaze of their celestial overseers.