They say when you become of age everything's different, life changes, you change. You are no longer a young kid, you grown up. Some of that's true, some of it's not. Everything does change, but maybe not the way you expected. The day it happens, it's like any normal day; and then suddenly, it's not.
Frieda remembered the day she entered the Magic Dimension as if it was yesterday, but it wasn't yesterday, it was five years ago. Five years have passed, memories both good and bad fill her, scars remain, and fears to be discovered. Trust is not easily gained, betrayal is easily committed, mistakes are made, words are spilled, and everything's different. To think not too long ago she lived a peaceful life in a reality where magic was just a fairytale. Now she lives in a crazy world, with some of her best friends and faces adversity year after year. 18, it seemed impossible, yet here it was.
18, the number means life, riches, it means freedom, it means you and you alone are finally in charge of your life and where it will lead you. It means you are finally an adult, that it's your turn to embrace the world and find your way.
To be or not to be, is the question. Who am I outside of this, who am I supposed to be outside of this, and am I ready for it? Each of us have a reason for being here, a purpose, we may never know what it is, but we can try our hardest to find it, and do what we can to make a difference. After all, we were all put where we are for a reason, right?
Familiar faces, villains known and unheard of. And the daunting sound of the crashing waves, the memories they bring back. If you thought the suffering was over then think again. It's one thing to stay a float, but how long can one swim before the waves pulls them under? How long till pressure cracks, and the glass shatters? How long before hell breaks loose, and we drown under the crashing waves?
Last year was nothing but crazy for the Winx, they found the lost princess of rainbow valley . Defeated Valtor. Had a pretty cool party. AND FRIEDA AND ERIC KISSED. This year much more is in store. The Winx return to Alfea as teachers (say what now)? And with four new foes on the rise(oh yay). Relationships are put to the test and everything is at stake. With mysterious stuff about Frieda's past to the last earth fairy. And a special appearance by..................... (you guys thought I'd tell you ha). Join the Winx as they go through yet another crazy year, trying to find the lost princess of earth.
Disclaimer I don't own Winx club or there character or there ideas I only own what I made up.
Note during this story I am collaborating with someone else's character I do not own this character or there background story so Disclaimer I don't own that persons story who you ask go read it I ain't telling you anything else
If you thought book one was crazy oh my well this is going to be crazier I think I hope I don't know. Well I do but I don't. I think u people get the point. I'm gonna stop talking now.
Cover made by ColorfulButterfly358