This story or tale starts in a small town named Amotree, just outside the city of Redon. The city is known well for its mafia groups that do business and live there,but we'll get to that later on, for now we will stay with the small town Amortree. In this small town, though very well populated, lives a 23 year old girl by the name of zeta Witherdale. Zeta lives life as the owner of a somewhat popular book store. She also lives with her younger brothers, who she adopted when she was around 20, that's around the time she first came to the town.the boys names are kayden and river. You will learn more about how they meet later on.for now we'll get to the point of the story. This tale will be full of irritation for zeta anyway, this all comes because of a man... well maybe two of them. Now just follow the tale and you will learn more about what is to come and how zeta and her brothers, deal with these mafia men and maybe just maybe one will at least catch her feelings...just maybe.All Rights Reserved
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