Blair Collins is a spunky 19-year-old who desires to follow her wildest dreams and live life to the fullest, alongside her best friend, Delaney. After deciding to leave her town in Ohio for big-city Chicago, she expects to continue her normal life that consists of partying, influencing and modeling, and one-night stands--that is until she meets hot-shot club owner, Niall Horan.
Turns out Ohio wouldn't be the only thing that would be bad for her.
"No!" she shouts. "Just stop. You want to know why I'm so upset? I'm upset because I care about you so fucking much, Niall. I don't want to. Honestly, it would've been easier if you were dead, because then there would be no possible way for me to keep coming back to you. But you aren't, and I don't want you to be. That's why I'm mad. I'm upset and angry because I could've easily lost you, and I'm not ready for that. I don't think I ever will be, and it fucking terrifies me, because I know one day I will. One day you'll be gone forever." Multiple tears stream down her face as her voice cracks. She tries to compose herself by pacing her breaths and remaining silent.
Unsure about what to do, I rush up to her and pull her into my chest. "I'm right here. I didn't mean for you to see that. This is exactly what I was scared about," I lowly whisper.
"What?" she sniffles as I sigh. "Us caring about each other. I'm dragging you into my treacherous world and I can't. You're too pure, too angelic," I feel myself become overwhelmed by my emotions.
"What are you saying," she pulls away from me. "No," she shakes her head as I feel my heart slowly breaking.
"Blair, I don't know if I can be in your life anymore."
"You don't get to make this decision for me," she hisses at me. "It's my life and I get to do whatever I want."
This hurts so fucking bad and I have no idea why.
“From every single person who has hurt me, I never expected the worst to be from you.” Tears escape my eyes. I don’t think I can ever forget this day.
“I’m so, so sorry.” He looks down.
“It’s done. It is over.”
“What do you mean?“ His eyes were red. Very red. It was breaking both of us apart.
“The spaces between us is deep… so deep that none of us could reach for each other anymore.” I breathe.
“So then?”
“Let’s just end it all here.”
Update 11/11/15: This is a completed story. I will be editing the entire book starting from today! SEQUEL IS UP!