Tachi looked through the dark alley-way, his parents had just abandoned him in a neighbouring city called Musutafu yesterday when they left the quirk doctors. He was quirkless, useless, a failure. but none of that got to him. He took a deep breath in, he knew he got abandoned and he had to accept that, so he stepped into the dark with the pieces of scrap metal and junk from the nearby beach turned junkyard, puffed his chest out and placed his hands on his hips "Time to get to work"
8 years later, Tony Stark takes a trip to Musutafu to help implement a new arc reactor to power the city, and check out a strange energy signal emminating from an alley
-(don't know what ship yet, I'll probably do a poll)
- this story focuses on Tachi as the main character, if you don't like that read this book anyway.