What is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is, as the name suggests, the use of email in marketing communications. Marketing via email is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. It is also referred to by similar terms known as: bulk emailing, mass emailing, email advertising, email promotions, email ad campaigns, emailing service, email ad promotions, web emailing, e-mailing, e-mail marketing, opt-in emailing, opt-in emailing, email list management, email web advertising, direct email marketing, email marketing solution, bulk email marketing software, email marketing campaign, email promotion internet marketing, email management, email data management.
Email marketing is one of the most successful methods of marketing ever developed. By far it is one of the most effective and inexpensive methods of advertising available to you. If you have an email marketing strategy and if that strategy works then mail marketing is very affordable and effective. Because email is much cheaper than most other forms of communication it ranks high in popularity. This form of marketing lets you deliver your message to your potential market (unlike a website, where the people have to come to your message).
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