Our eyes made love to each other long beforehand. You were something that felt so new yet so familiar to me, like a place I have never been but somehow never left. I think I have known you my whole life and loved you while longer. If I would live my life again, I'd stay in love with you. Your love is something no one can ever replace and I can't imagine my life without you. And I think forever is not enough for me to love you.
-Everly Peyton Sterling
There are so many things you don't know about us. Like how we loved each other quietly. I don't think you realize how terrifying beautiful you are. Most people don't see that vulnerable side of you that keeps hidden so well. But I saw it and loved it quietly. I choose to love you in so many ways that I am unable to show; so I show you ever so softly in the silence between my words. You may think that no one is burning for you, dying for you. Know that I burned quietly for you and I die for you a little more each day. And I will always love you. Always.
-Hayden Monica Henderson