After the events of the Battle of New York, Steve and Elke had no choice but to try and adjust to life in the twenty-first century. Now, in what everyone insists is a warless world, they work for S.H.I.E.L.D., lending their abilities as supersoldiers to the cause of global security. But something is wrong. There's a sickness growing inside S.H.I.E.L.D. and together they find themselves thrust into a web of lies, a wartorn world so familiar and yet so unrecognisable. Trust nobody, those are their orders. And yet, when the uprising begins, they are faced with a choice that has the potential to shatter the world.
Trust, or die.
Following the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
I do not own any part or character present in this movie, asides from Elke Fischer (Lady Liberty).